Teen Advisor
You are a teenager, you're confused
about some things, your body is changing, sexual
thoughts creep into your mind and your venturing into or through
high school and thinking of college. Your brother or sister drives
you crazy, your friends like to party but you're not sure what
the risks are for drinking or taking drugs.
You'd like to be making some of your own money, you have exams
coming up that you're not sure you'll be prepared for.... It just
goes on. Welcome to your teenage years.
Perhaps your parents are still
together, perhaps you live with an aunt or a legal guardian. You're
probably thinking about dating, you're worried about body
image, you want to have perfect skin and you have
to deal with peer pressure. It's tough,
it's life and we want to help. You'll find valuable information
within Teen Advisor to help you and your parents or guardian get
through this challenging, wonderful time.
You're coming into your own, learning
who you are as you grow into an adult. Embrace it and stay true
to your values.