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Stephen King Books

     It was noticed on the www.Spankmag.com book forum that quite a few teenagers enjoyed Stephen Kings Books. His books are often very scary and those with a faint heart for blood, gore, and down-right terror should be wary of these often dark books, but for those of you who love a good thrill and to be scared out of you wits once in awhile Stphen King is your author. Here are a list of some of the many books he has written:

- Misery
- Rose Madder
- Skeletin Crew
- Everythings Eventual
- Carrie
- The Stand
- The Green Mile
- IT
- The Gunslinger
- Drawing of the Three
- The Waste Lands
- Wizard & Glass
- Insomnia
- Eye of the Dragon
- Bag of Bones
- Pet Semetary
- The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon
- The Shining
- Desperation
- Salem's Lot
- From a Buick 8
- Cujo
- The Dead Zone
- Firestarter

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