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Teens and Drugs & Alcohol

     Did you know that the average American has his or her first drink around age 14? According to the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, almost 80% of high school students have tried alcohol. In an average month, about 9 million American teens drink alcohol.

     Teens who drink put themselves at risk for many problems - problems with the law, at school, and with their parents just to name a few. Deciding whether to drink is a personal decision that we each eventually have to make. Hopefully the following provides the facts about alcohol and teens, including how alcohol affects your body, so you can make an educated choice.

Please click here for information on Drugs and its effects.

What Is Alcohol?

     Alcohol is fermented fruits, vegetables and grains. These are fermented when the sugar in the fruit, vegetables, and grains is allowed to change chemically with the use of yeast in alcohol.

Related Links
Effects of Alcohol
Choosing Not to Drink
Controlling Blood Alcohol Concentration
Avoid Drinking
Dependency Problem