Types of Drugs - Heroin and Opiates
What are opiates?
Opiates, sometimes referred to as
narcotics, are a group of drugs which are used
medically to relieve pain, but also have a high potential for
abuse. Some opiates come from a resin taken from the seed pod
of the Asian poppy. This group of drugs includes opium,
morphine, heroin, and codeine.
Other opiates, such as meperidine (Demerol), are synthesized or
manufactured. Opium appears as dark brown chunks or as a powder
and is usually smoked or eaten. Heroin can be a white or brownish
powder which is usually dissolved in water and then injected.
Most street preparations of heroin are diluted, or "cut,"
with other substances such as sugar or quinine. Other opiates
come in a variety of forms including capsules, tablets, syrups,
solutions, and suppositories.
Which opiates are abused?
Heroin ("junk,"
"smack") accounts for 90 percent of
the opiate abuse in the United States. Sometimes opiates with
legal medicinal uses also are abused. They include morphine, meperidine,
paregoric (which contains opium), and cough syrups that contain
codeine [or a synthetic narcotic, such as dextromethorphan].
What are the effects of opiates?
Opiates tend to relax the
user. When opiates are injected, the user feels an immediate "rush."
Other initial and unpleasant effects include restlessness, nausea,
and vomiting. The user may go "on the nod," going back
and forth from feeling alert to drowsy. With very large doses,
the user cannot be awakened, pupils become smaller, and the skin
becomes cold, moist, and bluish in color. Breathing slows down
and death may occur.
Symptoms and Addiction:
Opiates are addictive. Dependence
is likely, especially if a person uses a lot of the drug or even
uses it occasionally over a long period of time. When a person
becomes dependent, finding and using the drug often becomes the
main focus in life. As more and more of the drug is used over
time, larger amounts are needed to get the same effects. This
is called tolerance.
The physical dangers depend on
the specific opiate used, its source, the dose, and the way it
is used. Most of the dangers are caused by using too much of a
drug, the use of unsterile needles, contamination of the drug
itself, or combining the drug with other substances. Over time,
opiate users may develop infections of the heart lining and valves,
skin abscesses, and congested lungs. Infections from unsterile
solutions, syringes, and needles can cause illnesses such stronger
approximately 24-72 hours after they begin, and subside within
7-10 days. Sometimes symptoms such as sleeplessness and drug craving
can last for months
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