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Teens & Siblings

Am I too Old to fight with my Siblings?

      From a parent's point of view, teens "ought" to be old enough to stop that kind of behavior. But a parent should understand that adolescents are going through many changes - emotionally and physically and there is alot of pressure on them to be a certain way. They are experiencing their own concerns about their identity and achievements and about their futures and becoming adults. It could even be said that teens need even more love and affection and understanding at this time in their lives as their teen may be too embarrassed to ask for it and a parent may overlook them. Therefore it is important to understand that many teens will still experience sibling rivalry with their brothers and sisters and it is part of their expression of their own struggle and their attempt to find an identity and deal with the changes in their lives.

Surviving Your Siblings

     It is important to remember that although you may not be able to stand your sibling right now - later on you will most likely become very close to them. There is no replacing the bond that a sibling has with another sibling - it is even stronger in some ways than a child's bond to their parent. You should remember that friends may come and go but your sibling will always be there.

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Sibling Rivalry
A Parent's Help