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Toilet Training

     If you are in the middle of the toilet training process and need to take your kids out on the road where they may need to take their new act into strange and unknown environments, there are some preparations you should consider before setting out on your journey.

* Some children are entranced with the idea of using unfamiliar toilet facilities; others find them scary. If you know you'll be traveling, it's a good idea to encourage use of unfamiliar facilities whenever you are out and about during your regular schedule before the trip.

* Don't be surprised or upset if you child starts to have accidents. Go back to diapers for nighttime or even daytime use if your child regresses. Revert to disposables for now; relax and enjoy your trip. Don't make your trip a battleground. Worry about training or retraining when you get back home.

* Take a potty seat or a toilet-seat adapter of your choosing along.

* Consider keeping your potty chair in the car, or take a portable camping potty to eliminate the need to find a rest room.

* Let little boys use a jar or can for urinating in the car. A plastic ice-cream bucket can work for little girls if you ensure a good "fit". Always pull over for potty stops. (Containers with fitted tops-once filled-are crucial. You'll thank me for this later!)

* Pack a waterproof sheet, small plastic tablecloth or heavy plastic bag to cover mattresses, or a rubber-backed bathroom rug that rolls ups easily for travel. Hotel staff will be just as appreciative as relatives & friends.

* One last reminder before you hit the open road: Remember, diapers have been known to leak (and so have toilet trained toddlers!).

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