Mutual Masturbation
Mutual masturbation
is when two or more persons touch, caress, massage or stroke the
genitals of each other, usually with the goal of producing pleasure
and orgasm. Sometimes this takes place as part of 'heavy petting'
between a couple, but it can also occur between one or more friends.
When it occurs between friends it is more often than not done
with a same-sex friend, usually without there being 'romance'
involved. Mutual masturbation does occasionally happen between
two people who do not know each other. For the purpose of this
discussion, two or more people masturbating together or in a group,
but with each person only masturbating themselves, does not equate
to 'mutual masturbation' and the risks/benefits would be the same
as masturbation alone.
Negative Consequences:
As with 'heavy petting', petting
below the waist and inside the pants and underwear, and then only
if the same hand touches both person's genitals (meaning that
when touching yourself and then your partner, you can transfer
body fluids, including sperm, to your partner's genitals). This
same risk is true when two people share the same sex toys in the
same way. Even a tiny amount of fluid or sperm is enough to transfer
a disease or get a girl pregnant (yes, sperm can live outside
the body, though not for very long).
Positive Consequences:
In addition to being very pleasant
and exciting, mutual masturbation is a natural progression in
becoming a sexually mature adult, allowing you to enjoy and learn
intimacy between two people. Many feel that mutual masturbation
with a close friend strengthened their bond and that it allowed
them to see how another person reacts to sexual feelings and pleasure.
It allows one to explore and learn what touches and caresses are
pleasing to your partner, and to learn more about your partner's
body. Many adults (but not all), especially males, recall experimenting
sexually with a friend by engaging in masturbation together, sometimes
just masturbating together and other times engaging in mutual
touching and mutual masturbation. Mutual masturbation with the
same sex does *NOT*, by any means, indicate that one is homosexual
or has homosexual attractions.
Specific Risks:
Transferring body fluids, including
sperm, from one partner's genitals to the other person's genitals,
can result in pregnancy (when male to female), or the passing
of a serious
sexually transmitted disease like Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Chlamydia,
Herpes, AIDS, HPV, Hepatitis, Trichomoniasis, Pubic Lice (crabs),
or Scabies. The best protection is knowing your partner, knowing
their sexual history, being tested for STD's before petting, not
sharing sex toys (like vibrators, dildos, etc.) without washing
them first (or not sharing them at all), and making sure that
no semen is on your fingers or hand when it contacts the vulva
and/or vagina. Mutual masturbation and heavy petting with many
different partners dramatically increases the risk of STD's.
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Sex & Peer Pressure
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Are You Ready
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Oral Sex On a Female
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