is where two people place their genitals together, as though they
were about to have intercourse, and proceed to rub back and forth
in a sort of "simulated" sexual intercourse. It is very
similar to sexual intercourse, except that there is no actual
penetration of the penis into the vagina or anus.
Negative Consequences:
Although there is still the risk
of catching a
sexually transmitted disease (an STD) and there is still a
slight risk of pregnancy, the overall risk is significantly less
than with penetration. One other possible negative consequence
is that, being caught up in the moment, and already being positioned
for full intercourse, it is easy to go ahead and make penetration
after all. One thing that is important to remember when practicing
this is that a condom still needs to be used because there is
an exchange of body fluids during outercourse and because it *IS*
possible for a female to get pregnant
just from outercourse, although it is a much, much smaller risk
than with intercourse. That is because the male's sperm CAN travel
from the outside of the labia up into the vagina and can then
successfully swim up the vagina to the cervix and fertilize an
egg. A typical male ejaculation releases approximately 60 Million
sperm, and it only takes one sperm to fertilize an egg. This is
not by any means a common occurrence, hence outercourse is much
less risky, but it is still possible and you should know that.
Positive Consequences:
The most significant positive
consequence is that outercourse carries much less risk than does
sexual intercourse. This is a good alternative to actually having
full sexual intercourse and penetration, and we would encourage
couples to do this instead of intercourse. This is also very good
practice and will allow the two of you to become more comfortable
with each other's bodies, with being nude in front of one another,
and with how your bodies fit together. It also allows for an experience
very close to sexual intercourse, but without any pain involved
for the female. It also puts the emphasis where it should be...
on the INTIMACY and closeness, rather than on just "doing
it". When the time comes where you both feel you are definitely
ready to have full intercourse and make penetration, you will
be more relaxed and prepared for that, and your first actual intercourse
should be easier and better.
Specific Risks:
Because the genitals come into
direct contact, there is the risk of passing a sexually transmitted
disease. There is a risk of pregnancy because sperm in the male's
pre-cum and ejaculation can still travel from the outside of the
vulva or the inner lips/labia into the vagina and up to the cervix
even though no actual penetration took place. This is not a high
risk, but it is a risk nonetheless. Using condoms
and other birth
control methods, just as one must do with full intercourse,
is the best way to reduce these specific risks to nearly zero.
Related Links
Respect Your
Sex & Love
Sex & Peer Pressure
What Is Intercourse
Are You Ready
Mutual Masturbation
Oral Sex On a Male
Oral Sex On a Female
Sexual Intercourse
Anal Intercourse